Ethics vs. morality
What's good?
Is there a difference between ethics and morality?
Apprenticeship in ethics
Meta-thinking about ethics in TOK
Introducing ethical frames
Golden Rule
Hippocratic Oath
Kant's Categorical Imperative
Consequential (Utilitarian)
IB Profile interlude
Virtue Ethics
What is the good life?
Human flourishing
IB Profile interlude
Intuition (and proximity)
Common sense
Veil of Ignorance
Personhood (Sentience)
Vera Drake: saint or serial killer?
Scaffolded written assignment|
Trolley problems
Classic Trolley problems
Beyond theoretical—self driving cars
Exorcising cultural relativism
What is moral relativism?
Taking a stand
Epistemic justice
Thinking about equity and identity
Rawls rules: Veil of Ignorance
Gorillas, robots and personhood
Koko the gorilla
The Clever Hans effect
Sentient robots and individual rights?
Sentience continuum
Earthly intelligence
Alien intelligence
Artificial intelligence
What do little kids know?
Conservation of quantity and volume
An optical illusion
Ethical cartoons
The Allegory of the Cave
Encounter with Plato's original text
Truman show—on the air, unaware
Asch and Milgram experiments
Perform Asch experiment
Propaganda interlude
Milgram experiment revisited
The Seven Deadly Sins
Deontological demystified
Why is ethics like math and not like math?
A preposterous question!
Breaking the 4th wall and brainstorming
Prove it!
Inventing math thought experiments
Attempting a calculus of felicity
The Golden mean is not the arithmetic mean
A self-evident, intuitive, axiomatic foundation for all of ethics?
Benign neglect (2023) Oil painting by the author.
The two characters in the upper section of the composition seem oblivious to the blue-tongued Gila Monster encroaching on the squirming infant. Will that red bird save the day or join in the mayhem?
*Banner image: Detail from Nemmersdorf (2016) oil painting by the author.