Essay and Exhibition
Ship emerging from the fog—metaphor for honing student Exhibition and Essay ideas. Image credit: Sails of
EXHIBITION AND ESSAY is a non-commercial peer resource for TOK teachers around the world. Its focus is the essential recurring challenge for teachers—when it is time for class, what are students actually going to do?
The site does not provide quick-fix Exhibition and Essay help for students. There is no direct reference to individual prescribed essay titles, or unpacking of the 35 Exhibition prompts.
In the same spirit the site does not reproduce copyrighted TOK assessment material from the IBO. Teachers in IB World Schools teachers have password-protected access to these essential items via the My IB portal. Here are the essential elements:
1. Assessment pages of the TOK Subject Guide
2. Prescribed Essay Titles for the examination session
3. The 35 Exhibition Knowledge Question Prompts
4. Rubrics for the Exhibition and for the Essay
5. Graded Exhibition and Essay Exemplars
6. TKPPF Essay Form to record teacher interventions and academic honesty
7. Videos from teacher training webinars/workshops
8. Academic Integrity Policy (updated 2023).
Appendix 6: Guidance on the use of artificial intelligence tools.